Some kids are bookworms while others struggle to read, no matter how hard they try. For kids whose eyes aren’t perfectly aligned, trying to focus on letters and track words can be an exercise in frustration. If your child often loses their place while reading or covers one eye to see better, they may have binocular vision dysfunction (BVD)
BVD often exists under the radar, whether at school or at home. In some cases, a teacher or pediatrician may mistakenly attribute a child’s behavioral and academic problems to learning disabilities or ADHD, when the source of these problems is eye misalignment or binocular vision dysfunction.
What Is a Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)?
Binocular vision allows us to take nearly identical pieces of visual information from each eye and merge them into a single 3D image. When the two eyes aren’t properly aligned, your child may see double or the image may be blurred. The effort to turn the two distinct images into one clear 3D image often results in eyestrain, headaches, dizziness and difficulty reading. They may also suffer from motion sickness, poor coordination and concentration problems.
So if your child complains of any of these symptoms and avoids reading, the real source of the issue could be eye misalignment.
How Do You Know If Your Child Has Binocular Vision Dysfunction (BVD)?
The only way to know if your child has binocular vision dysfunction is through a comprehensive eye exam performed by an eye doctor experienced in diagnosing and treating BVD.
A neurovisual eye exam identifies any problems with eye alignment that may cause binocular vision dysfunction. If diagnosed with BVD, the eye doctor will prescribe special lenses that will train your child’s eyes into proper alignment, making reading easier.
Transform Your Child’s Vision and Help Them Enjoy Reading
We at Lakeline Vision Source have witnessed countless transformations in our young patients’ vision, reading and self-confidence thanks to a customized and highly effective binocular vision dysfunction treatment program.
If your child struggles with reading or writing, we will thoroughly assess their vision and help your child get the treatment they need. To get a proper diagnosis, schedule a neurovisual eye exam with Our team of eye doctors at Lakeline Vision Source today.
Q: Can a Traumatic Brain Injury Cause BVD?
- A: Yes. During a brain injury, the parts of the brain responsible for vision and balance can become damaged and impact the pathways between the eyes and the brain. In fact, more than 90% of TBIs result in some degree of visual dysfunction, including BVD. If you or a loved one has recently suffered a brain injury, make sure to get your vision and eye health assessed by a neuro-optometrist.
Q: What's the Connection Between BVD and Nausea, Dizziness and Vertigo?
- A: A wide range of symptoms have been associated with BVD that result from the stress placed on your eye muscles to attempt to bring your vision into perfect alignment. For instance, many people suffer from nausea, dizziness, and vertigo, but many don’t realize that these symptoms may be caused by a binocular vision problem. If you regularly experience motion sickness or struggle to walk properly due to problems with balance or dizziness, consider scheduling a BVD eye exam.